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James Gunn Reveals what Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Will Focus On

Guardians of the Galaxy | Marvel | Teepublic

Yesterday, James Gunn took to his Facebook account to confirm a couple of things regarding Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

And, I can confirm, it’s awesome.

Awesome Interlude

Before I get into this news story, let me make you aware of this fantastic Guardians of the Galaxy Tee’s!

Saturday Night Dance Off | Guardians of the Galaxy | Teepublic

Star-Lord Legendary Brew | Guardians of the Galaxy | Teepublic

Bounty Hunters | Rocket Racoon | Groot | Guardians of the Galaxy | Redbubble

Smuggler Since 1988 | Star-Lord | Guardians of the Galaxy | Redbubble

Guardians of the Galaxy Retro | Guardians of the Galaxy | Marvel | Teepublic

Guardians of the Galaxy | Marvel | Teepublic

3 Big Reveals

Gunn actually revealed 3 major pieces of information regarding the much anticipated Guardians of the Galaxy sequel.

1. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is about Fatherhood

This seems a pretty safe bet considering the way Guardians of the Galaxy ended. Star-Lord particularly had a big reveal regarding the true identity of his father. Obviously, comic books like me will already know where this is heading.

Star-Lord’s father is a actually a humanoid-like alien who goes by the name J’Son of Spartax.

J’Son of Spartax is a century’s old ruler of the planet Spartoi Empire who previously was accused of treason and banished to Earth. This is where he met Peter’s mother…and you can probably figure out the rest.

After the revelation at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy regarding his father, I would say it would be a natural progression of the plot for Star-Lord to go find his biological father.

In the same vein, the Fatherhood theme could also relate to the alien Peter views as his father – Yondu. Maybe the relationship will be developed more in the second outing? Maybe Yondu, under pressure from his crew, wants revenge for being screwed over? Maybe Yondu has an issue with Peter meeting his biological father.

2. Yondu / Gamorea / Nebula will feature more in the sequel.

These three characters could also feature with the “Fatherhood” theme. Yondu, for reasons discussed above. But Gamora and Nebula certainly have “daddy” issues with their surrogate “father”. So maybe Thanos will be featured a little more? Or the Gamora / Nebula relationship regarding their father will develop more.

Interesting stuff.

3. Gunn thinks Awesome mix 2 is better than Awesome mix 1.

That’s gotta be one goddanm awesome tape then!


However, as a caveat to this Gunn stated that although this concept has all been compiled in a 70 page treatment, he admits that he goes where the inspiration takes so this could completely change.

He jokes, and I quote, “In a couple of weeks, Guardians 2 could center around the love triangle of Awesome Android, Paste Pot Pete and Taserface, backed by an all-Spice-Girls sound track”.

The horror.

Seriously though, I think the father theme will feature heavily in the second movie. After all they did in the first to set it up, it would be criminal for it not to be.

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