Dr Strange Tee | By the Powers

Dr Strange Tee | By the Powers

Click here to buy this awesome Dr Strange tee now from Superherostuff

The next Marvel Movie to hit our screens will be Dr Strange on November 4th 2016 and this totally awesome tee from Superherostuff will put you right in the mood to watch the movie.

The design is clearly based on Benedict Cumberbatch’s portrayal of the “Sorcerer Supreme”, infused with a green-yellow hombre.

It looks rather awesome, doesn’t it?

I could tell you this Dr Strange tee will grant you mystical powers. I could tell you that this Dr Strange tee will help you unlock the mysteries of the universe. I could even tell you that this Dr Strange tee will help you get a little closer to Benedict Cumberbatch (which technically it would, as his face is plastered all over the front of it).

But in reality, this tee does precisely none of those things (apart from the last one for the reasons stated above).

What it does do is make you look incredibly awesome.

The tee is available right now from Superherostuff – can you say awesomeo?

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